Este arte empezó siendo oral, oír cuentos era uno de los pasatiempos de las largas veladas de Islandia. Se creó así, en el siglo X, una epopeya en prosa: la sag. La palabra es afín a los verbos sagen y say (decir y referir, en alemán e inglés). En los banquetes, un rapsoda repetía las sagas.
Jorge Luis Borges, Antiguas literaturas germánicas
Aunque habitualmente se llame saga a las narraciones relacionadas con los vikingos, transcritas de la tradición oral a partir del siglo XIII, también hay otros tipos que en Islandia han clasificado de este modo.
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Hoja de la Saga de Njal |
- Sagas de obispos (biskupasögur), muy cercana a la hagiografía
- Sagas de reyes (konungasögur), muy cercana a la historiografía
- Sagas de islandeses (Íslendingasögur), el género literario por excelencia. Narra las vidas de héroes o familias de Islandia
- Sagas arcaicas (fornöld), donde abunda el elemento mitológico
- Sagas caballerescas (riddarasögur), acerca de caballeros del sur de Europa, donde abunda el elemento legendario.
- Sagas de los tiempos antiguos (fornaldarsögur), obras islandesas de ficción tardías, de los siglos XIV - XV.
- Sagas de dioses (Götersagas), que se originan de la mitología y la épica germánicas, según Felix Genzmer.
- Sagas de paladines (Kämpensagas), que son sagas caballerescas pero de contenido histórico más o menos verosímil.
raysheaf / deviantart |
Elder Edda
(The Poetic Edda, Saemundar's Edda)
Younger Edda
(Snorri's Edda, The Prose Edda)
Volsunga Saga- part myth
Hervara - part myth
Thorstein Vikingsson's Saga - part myth
Ketil Haeng's sons - part myth
Grim Lodinkinnis' - part myth
Fridthjof's Saga - most myth
Hrolf Kraki's Saga - 6th century
Half's Saga - 6th century
Sogubrot Saga - 6th to 7th century
Ragnar Lodbrok's Saga - 8th century
Ragnar Lodbrok's sons' Saga - 8th century
Norna Gest's Saga - not assignable
Gautrek's Saga - "
Orvar Odd's Saga - "
Herraud and Bosi's Saga - "
Egil and Asmund's Saga - "
Hjalmter and Olver's Saga - "
Gongu Hrolf's Saga - "
An Bosveigi's Saga - "
Egil's Saga - Middle 9th - end of 10th
Njal's Saga - End of 10th - beginning of 11th
Laxdaela Saga - 886 to 1030
Eyrbyggja Saga - 890 to 1031
Islandinga Sogur:
Hord's Saga - 950 to 990
Hoensa Thoris Saga - 990 to 1010
Gunnlaug Ormstunga's Saga - 10th to 11th century
Viga Styr's Saga - 10th to 11th century
Kjalnesinga Saga - 9th to 11th century
Droplaugarsona Saga - 10th century
Hrafenkl Freysgodhi - 10th century
Bjorn Hitaela Kappi - first half of 11th
Kormak's Saga - 10th century
Vatnsdaela Saga - about 870 to 1000
Floamanna Saga - about 985 to 990
Hallfred's Saga - end of 10th century
Grettir's Saga - Grettir passed on 1031
Viga Glum - 10th century
Hallaljot's Saga - start of 11th
Vapnfirdinga - 9th to 10th century
Thorskfirdinga (Gullthori's) Saga - About 900 to 930
Heidar Viga (end Viga Styr) - first half of 9th
Foereyinga - About 960 to 1040
Finnbogi Rami's - 10th century
Erik the Red - 10th century
Thatt of Styrbjorn - 10th century
Landnama - 9th to 10th century
Islendinga bok: - about 874 to 1118
Ljosvetninga - 990 to 1050
Vemund's Saga - end of 10th century
Svarfdoela - first half of 10th century
Biskupa Sogur:
Kristni Saga - 900 to 1120
Sturlunga Saga - 1120 to 1284
Fornmanna Sogur:
Sagas of Norway
Jormsvikinga Saga - 10th century
Knytlinga Saga - 11th to 12th century
Fagrskinna - 9th to 12th century
Heimskringla Saga:
Ynglinga Saga - first half of 13th century
Fostbraedra Saga - 1015 to 1030
Konung's Sliggsja - 13th century
Rimbegla - 14th century
Orkneyinga - about 870 to 1206
Elder Edda
(The Poetic Edda, Saemundar's Edda)
Younger Edda
(Snorri's Edda, The Prose Edda)
Volsunga Saga- part myth
Hervara - part myth
Thorstein Vikingsson's Saga - part myth
Ketil Haeng's sons - part myth
Grim Lodinkinnis' - part myth
Fridthjof's Saga - most myth
Hrolf Kraki's Saga - 6th century
Half's Saga - 6th century
Sogubrot Saga - 6th to 7th century
Ragnar Lodbrok's Saga - 8th century
Ragnar Lodbrok's sons' Saga - 8th century
Norna Gest's Saga - not assignable
Gautrek's Saga - "
Orvar Odd's Saga - "
Herraud and Bosi's Saga - "
Egil and Asmund's Saga - "
Hjalmter and Olver's Saga - "
Gongu Hrolf's Saga - "
An Bosveigi's Saga - "
Egil's Saga - Middle 9th - end of 10th
Njal's Saga - End of 10th - beginning of 11th
Laxdaela Saga - 886 to 1030
Eyrbyggja Saga - 890 to 1031
Islandinga Sogur:
Hord's Saga - 950 to 990
Hoensa Thoris Saga - 990 to 1010
Gunnlaug Ormstunga's Saga - 10th to 11th century
Viga Styr's Saga - 10th to 11th century
Kjalnesinga Saga - 9th to 11th century
Droplaugarsona Saga - 10th century
Hrafenkl Freysgodhi - 10th century
Bjorn Hitaela Kappi - first half of 11th
Kormak's Saga - 10th century
Vatnsdaela Saga - about 870 to 1000
Floamanna Saga - about 985 to 990
Hallfred's Saga - end of 10th century
Grettir's Saga - Grettir passed on 1031
Viga Glum - 10th century
Hallaljot's Saga - start of 11th
Vapnfirdinga - 9th to 10th century
Thorskfirdinga (Gullthori's) Saga - About 900 to 930
Heidar Viga (end Viga Styr) - first half of 9th
Foereyinga - About 960 to 1040
Finnbogi Rami's - 10th century
Erik the Red - 10th century
Thatt of Styrbjorn - 10th century
Landnama - 9th to 10th century
Islendinga bok: - about 874 to 1118
Ljosvetninga - 990 to 1050
Vemund's Saga - end of 10th century
Svarfdoela - first half of 10th century
Biskupa Sogur:
Kristni Saga - 900 to 1120
Sturlunga Saga - 1120 to 1284
Fornmanna Sogur:
Sagas of Norway
Jormsvikinga Saga - 10th century
Knytlinga Saga - 11th to 12th century
Fagrskinna - 9th to 12th century
Heimskringla Saga:
Ynglinga Saga - first half of 13th century
Fostbraedra Saga - 1015 to 1030
Konung's Sliggsja - 13th century
Rimbegla - 14th century
Orkneyinga - about 870 to 1206