lunes, 30 de julio de 2018

Draken Harald Hårfagre - East Coast Tour 2018

Draken Harald Hårfagre

Expedition America - East Coast Tour 2018 

Del 9 de julio hasta el 20 de octubre, saliendo y regresando desde Mystic Seaport, y visitando 14 puertos de la costa este norteamericana.

  • El nombre se debe al rey Harald I, el de Hermosos Cabellos, del que se decía que prefería estar en alguno de sus barcos que en un castillo. 
  • El barco se construyó cerca de Avaldsnes, lugar donde vivió y fue enterrado este rey.
  • Los trabajos finalizaron en 2012.
  • El viaje inaugural fue en la primavera del 2013. Entre mayo y septiembre, el barco fue tripulado por voluntarios que hicieron prácticas de navegación por la costa noruega y participaron en el Festival Vikingo de Karmoy.
  • El 26 de abril del 2016 partió hacia América desde Haugesund, Noruega.

Lista de reproducción de Youtube

lunes, 23 de julio de 2018

Runes To My Memory

Runes to my memory / Amon Amarth

(With Oden on Our Side / Metal Blade Records, 2006)
  • Amon Amarth

    • Johan Hegg − vocals
    • Olavi Mikkonen − guitar
    • Johan Söderberg − guitar
    • Ted Lundström − bass
    • Fredrik Andersson − drums


    • Jens Bogren – production, engineering, mixing
    • Anders "Shadow" Ström – additional recording
    • Thomas Eberger – mastering

We rode the rivers of the Eastern trail,
Deep in the land of the Rus'.
Following the wind in our sails,
And the rhythm of the oars.
No shelter in this hostile land,
Constantly on guard.
Ready to fight and defend
Our ship 'til the bitter end.

We came under attack,
I received a deadly wound.
A spear was forced into my back
Still I fought on.

When I am dead,
Lay me in a mound.
Raise a stone for all to see
Runes carved to my memory

Now here I lay on the river bank
A long, long way from home
Life is pouring out of me
Soon I will be gone.

I tilt my head to the side
And think of those back home
I see the river rushing by
Like blood runs from my wound.

Here I lie on wet sand,
I will not make it home.
I clinch my sword in my hand,
Say farewell to those I love.

When I am dead,
Lay me in a mound.
Place my weapons by my side
For the journey to Hall up high
When I am dead,
Lay me in a mound.
Raise a stone for all to see
Runes carved to my memory

Live Wacken 2012


si te ha gustado, compártelo con tus amigos

lunes, 9 de julio de 2018

Entrevista en La aventura del saber, 2

Pequeña entrevista en el programa La aventura del saber (28/06/18) - RTVE / La 2

Enlace al programa completo

Vídeo con la entrevista

jueves, 5 de julio de 2018

Songs for Odin

Song for Odin (A Cappella)

I sing of the tales of the wanderer 

The rider of Yggdrasill 

He gave up an eye into Mimir's well 

Where deeply, he drank his fill 

For nine long nights, old Hárr, 

hung he In search of the spoken spell 

The runes that he found drew sounds for man 

And down, from the tree, he fell 

A snake, he slid through Gunnloð's court 

The mead of poetry sought 

Three sips, and he fled as eagle's wing 

By Suttung, was never caught 

Two sticks on a beach Hárbarð had found 

His brothers heard his call 

He gave his own breath and his blood to the wood 

And told them of his Hall 

Valhalla holds the Einherjar 

Who'll fight on Vigrið plain. 

As fenrir sinks his fangs to the bone 

The life of Odin will wane 

Fear not, my kin, of the Ragnarók 

For Fimbultýr truly has won 

He saw his own death at the end of time 

And whispered this to his son

Völuspá - Die Weissagung aus der Lieder - Edda


Album: Mythos Hildebrandslied

Lyrics (Old Norse and English)
Ask veit ek standa,
heitir Yggdrasill
hár baðmr, ausinn
hvíta auri;
þaðan koma döggvar
þærs í dala falla;
stendr æ yfir grœnn
Urðar brunni.
Þaðan koma meyjar
margs vitandi
þrjár, ór þeim sal
er und þolli stendr;
Urð hétu eina,
aðra Verðandi,
skáru á skíði,
Skuld ina þriðju;
þær lög lögðu,
þær líf kuru
alda börnum,
örlög seggja.
An ash I know it stands-
It is named Yggdrasill.
High tree, sprinkled,
With white mud;
There from come the dews-
That fall on the dale!
It stands always green, above-
The source of Urdhr.
There from come the maids,
Much knowing;
Three, their dwelling,
Stands under the tree;
Urdh is named one,
The other Verdhandi,
- They notched (scored) wood -
Skuld is the third.
They set up the laws,
They decided on the lives,
Of the children of time ('the children of man').
They promulgate fate.

If I Had a Heart | Fever Ray

Cover by Aries