domingo, 25 de marzo de 2012

50 lugares vikingos a visitar antes de ir al Valhalla

The Viking Route - a part of the Council of Europe’s Cultural  Routes Project

  1. 1.Viking ship Museum, Norway
  2. 2.Borre cemetery, Norway
  3. 3.Moster Church, Norway
  4. 4.Urnes stave church, Norway
  5. 5.Stiklestad battlefild, Norway
  6. 6.Borg chieftain’s house, Norway
  7. 7.Museums Viking Material, Sweden
  8. 8.The Viking town of Birka, Sweden
  9. 9.Jarlabanke’s bridge, Sweden
  10. 10. Old Uppsala, Sweden
  11. 11. Themound of Anund, Sweden
  12. 12. The Sigurd rock carving, Sweden
  13. 13. The Rök Stone, Sweden
  14. 14. County Museum, Gotland, Sweden
  15. 15. Gettlinge cemetery, Öland, Sweden
  16. 16. Ale’s ship-setting, Sweden
  17. 17. The National Museum of Denmark
    18.The Ladby Ship, Denmark
    19.Viking Ship Museum, Denmark
    20.The Trelleborg fortress, Denmark
    21.The Lindholm Høje cemetery, Denmark
    22.The Fyrkat fortress, Denmark
    23.The Jelling stone and burial mound, Denmark
    24.Moesgård Museum, Denmark
    25.The Viking town of Ribe, Denmark
    26.The National Museum of Iceland
    27.The Arnastofnun Manuscript Institute, Iceland
    28.Thingvellir, Iceland
    29.Stöng farmhouse, Iceland
    30.Reykholt, Iceland
    31.Brattahlid, Greenland
    32.L’Anse aux Meadows
    33.Kvivik farmstead Fareoe Islands
    34.Lindisfarne monastery, England
    35.The Viking town of York
    36.Gosforth Cross, England
    37.Jarlshof, Shetland, Scotland
    38.Brough of Birsay, Orkney, Scotland
    39.Maes Howe, Orkney, Scotland
    40.Kolbein Hruga’s Castle, Orkney, Scotland
    41.National Museums of Antiquities, Scotland
    42.Isle of Man, England
    43.Viking Dublin, Ireland
    44.Waterford and Limerick, Ireland
    45.The Bayeux tapestry, France
    46.The Viking town of Hedeby, Germany
    47.Vanhalinna hillfort, Finland
    48.Novgorod, Russia
    50.Wolin, Poland

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012

Libro: Las leyes del Gulathing

Las Leyes del Gulathing

Mª Pilar Fernández Álvarez
Teodoro Manrique Antón

ISBN: 84-7800-550-1
Universidad de Salamanca
Año: 2005
P.V.P.: €17,00 (IVA Inc.) 
Colección: EF (Estudios Filológicos), 306 

Las Leyes de Gulathing son un testimonio vivo de la cultura y la historia medieval de la Noruega de los siglos X-XIII. En ella se reflejan acontecimientos de la era vikinga, la conversión del país al Cristianismo y la nueva época dominada por las fuertes monarquías al estilo europeo. Posiblemente promulgadas en la primera mitad el siglo X bajo el reinado de Hákon el Bueno y puestas por escrito por S. Óláf en el siglo XI, constituyen una herramienta de trabajo utilísima para los estudiosos de Derecho, Historia, Filología, etc.

La riqueza de detalles con la que se describen las diferentes disposiciones legales sobre el trato a la mujer, y a los niños y a los esclavos, los homicidios y sus penas, les herencias, la construcción de barcos para la defensa del país, etc. hacen que este libro sea una obra clave para entender el Medievo.

martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

Sabaton - Swedish Pagans

Sabaton - Swedish Pagans

The wise woman said;

"Once you're hardened in battle there's no coming back".
(Fight or fall)
And before the attack
Feel your blood starts to boil in your veins as you charge.
(Hundreds fallen)
As the fire inside is ignited by bloodshed, In berserkers from north.
Could it be as was said,
When the serpent be woken.
Fenrir howls

Swedish pagans,
Marching ashore.
Forged in Valhalla by the hammer of Thor.
Out from Asgard, our viking ship sails.
Never to turn back again

Where brothers have past is where we'll be proven, the ground they begun.
(Standing tall)
And we know if we fall, our comrades awaits in Valhall.
(Odin's calling)
As the fire inside, is ignited by bloodshed, in the circuits of nord.
Will it be as was said, will the serpents be woken.
Fenrir howls!

Swedish pagans,
Marching ashore.
Forged in Valhalla by the hammer of Thor.
Out from Asgard, our viking ship sails.
Never to turn back again.

(First to the battle, firs to the feast, destiny wating, no retreat, retreat! )

Swedish pagans,
Marching a shore.
Forged in Valhalla by the hammer of Thor.
Out from Asgard, our viking ship sails.
Never to turn back again.

viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012

Hræsvelgr, el aspirador de cadáveres

Hraesvelg, the winter eagleby ~Relotixke

En la mitología nórdica Hræsvelgr ("Aspirador de cadáveres") es un gigante con la forma de águila. Según el poema Vafþrúðnismál de la Edda poética, se encuentra en la frontera más boreal de los cielos, desde donde provoca que el viento sople sobre el mundo con el batir de sus alas.

In Norse mythology, Hræsvelgr (Old Norse "Corpse Swallower") is a giant who takes eagle form. According to a stanza of the poem Vafþrúðnismál from the Poetic Edda, he sits at the end of the world (or the northern edge of the heavens) and causes the wind to blow when he beats his wings in flight. This is repeated by Snorri in the Gylfaginning section of his Prose Edda.

Bajo la forma de un águila
Al final del cielo
Hræsvelg se sienta, ellos dicen;
Y de sus alas proviene el viento
Al moverse sobre el mundo de los hombres.
Vafþrúðnismál, estrofa 36, Edda poética

jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

Libro: Antología de la literatura nórdica antigua

Antología de la literatura nórdica antigua
(edición bilingüe)
María Pilar Fernández Álvarez, Teodoro Manrique Antón
ISBN: 978-84-7800-753-0
Año: 2002
Colección: EF (Estudios Filológicos), 299

Universidad de Salamanca
P.V.P.: €70,00 (IVA Inc.) 

Para subsanar la dificultad con que se enfrentan los alumnos de textos nórdicos que buscan textos originales aparece esta antología. Se presentan textos islandeses y noruegos antiguos con su correspondiente versión al español. En la misma se ha atendido más a la traslación literal que a la literaria. Aparecen siguiendo un orden cronológico y recogen las obras más representativas procurando mostrar todos los géneros. Además de un estudio introductorio explicativo de la historia de ambas literaturas y de los ambientes en que se generaron, se ofrece un Diccionario de términos de gran utilidad para el estudioso.

miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

Varegos en Finlandia

Esta ilustración esta basada libremente en un descubrimiento arqueológico realizado en los cementerios de la Edad del Hierro de Luistari, Eura, Finlandia. Una de las tumbas contenía los restos de un hombre vestido de seda de alrededor de 900 dC, cuyas pertenencias consistían en joyas y monedas traídas de Oriente Medio. Probablemente se trataba de uno de aquellos "vikingos del este" que se aventuró por la ruta comercial que se extendió desde el Norte hasta Bizancio y más allá. Una de las paradas de esta ruta, tanta al ir como al volver, se realizaba en la costa sur de Finlandia.

Descarga gratuita del pdf
de especial interés para recreacionistas.

Ver también "Espada Valkyrja"
(encontrada en la tumba de una mujer en Finlandia)

martes, 13 de marzo de 2012

Libro: Pueblos del Norte de Europa

Pueblos del Norte de Europa

(Vida y costumbres en la antigüedad)
M. del Mar de Ventura Fernández
Edimat Libros 2007
192 pgs.
ISBN: 9788497648356

Si hay un pueblo en el que leyenda y realidad se mezclen sin distinción, ese es el de los vikingos o normandos escandinavos, que hacen su aparición súbitamente en la Europa continental dando su nombre a una época que abarca desde el siglo VIII hasta el XI. 

Colonizadores, agricultores, comerciantes o piratas, pero sobre todo excelentes navegantes, conocedores de los secretos del mar y del arte de la navegación, rudos aventureros que protagonizaron numerosas expediciones causando el terror entre los hombres del continente europeo y del mundo islámico oriental.

Prehistoria nórdica
Los hombres del norte en la historia
Sociedad y costumbres sociales
Vida familiar y doméstica
Trabajo y medios de vida
Cultura de los pueblos del norte
Religión de los pueblos del norte

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

Música: Poeta Magica / Edda Vol. I

En 2006, el grupo sueco/alemán POETA MAGICA grabó el disco EDDA, impregnado de vientos del norte y viejas leyendas.

Holger Funke: Nyckelharpa, Great Bass Nyckelharpa, tenor hurdy-gurdy
Friederike Funke: vocals, percussion, horn, nyckelharpa
Julia Maria Westberg: vocals, kantele
Katja Hütte: celtic harp, nyckelharpa
Boris Koller: kvartston-nyckelharpa
Göran Hallmarken: electro-accustic hurdy-gurdy
Joergen Lang: guitar, bassbouzouki, low-whistle
Markus Wiemeler: Bass
Thomas Schlitt: drums

Lista de reproduccion de Youtube con los temas


    Vídeo con el legendario concierto, presentando aquel disco, que terminó con una súbita tormenta. 

    viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

    Libro: Viking Weapons and Combat Techniques

    Viking Weapons and Combat Techniques
    William R. Short
    Westholme Publishing
    ISBN: 978-1-59416-076-9
    232 pages
    280 B/W illustrations

    A history of the arms, armor, and individual fighting strategies 
    of medieval Europe's most feared warriors.

    Viking Weapons and Combat Techniques
    A source of enduring fascination, the Vikings are the most famous raiders of medieval Europe. Despite the exciting and compelling descriptions in the Icelandic sagas and other contemporary accounts that have fueled this interest, we know comparatively little about Viking age arms and armor as compared to weapons from other historical periods. We know even less about how the weapons were used. While the sagas provide few specific combat details, the stories are invaluable. They were written by authors familiar with the use of weapons for an audience that, likewise, knew how to use them. Critically, the sagas describe how these weapons were wielded not by kings or gods, but by ordinary men, as part of their everyday lives.

    Viking Weapons and Combat Techniques provides an introduction to the arms and armor of the Vikings, the people who lived in Northern Europe during the Viking age, roughly the years 793–1066. Using a variety of available sources, including medieval martial arts treatises, and copiously illustrated with images of historical artifacts, battle sites, and demonstrations of modern replicas of Viking weapons, the author and his colleagues at Hurstwic (a Viking-age living history organization) and at the Higgins Armory Sword Guild have reconstructed the combat techniques of the Viking age and what is known about the defensive and offensive weapons of the time in general.

    Throughout, the author corrects some popular misconceptions about Viking warriors and warfare, such as the belief that their combat techniques were crude and blunt rather than sophisticated. In addition, the book provides an overview of Viking history and culture, focusing on the importance of weapons to the society as well as the Vikings’ lasting impact on Europe through their expeditions of trade and exploration.

    miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012

    Cómic: Los dientes de la Eternidad

    Resumen: Noruega, finales del siglo IX. El viejo Gylfi ha traicionado a un amigo y quiere lavar su culpa peregrinando al Ásgard, hogar de los antiguos dioses. Pero su viaje no resulta como él espera, pues esa tierra milagrosa atraviesa su peor momento: hordas de demonios amenazan sus fronteras y desencadenan el crepúsculo de los dioses. Sin querer, Gylfi se ve envuelto en este mítico combate. Alguien le dijo una vez que, al morir, adoptamos el rostro de nuestras verdades. Ahora, enfrentado al fin del Ásgard (y, probablemente, de su vida), se dispone a comprobarlo.
    Características: 104 páginas a color. Portada a color y plastificada mate a una cara. Encuadernado en cartoné. Medidas (23cm x 30cm).
    Nº Páginas: 104
    Autor/es: Gustavo Rico - Jorge García
    ISBN: 978-84-96730-67-0
    Fecha Edición: 20/10/2011
    Precio: 21 €


    Vol I. Un hombre frente al abismo
    Gustavo Rico (dibujo) / Jorge García (guión)

    'Los dientes de la eternidad', la versión más espectacular de los dioses nórdicos (Artículo de Jesús Jiménez)

    lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012

    Cerveza: Dragonhead

    Cerveza de las islas Orcadas

    Dragonhead is a legendary stout: dark, intense and fully-flavoured, it is our tribute to the Vikings and their cultural legacy in Orkney.

    On the nose, this black stout has a smooth roasted malt aroma giving bitter chocolate, dark roasted coffee and Smokey notes balanced by hints of spicy Goldings hop.

    On the palate, the dark roasted malts combine to give a rich, rounded palate with chocolate, toast and nut flavours, with a satisfying spicy hop finish.

    A black stout, with a deep copper-brown tint, displaying a tight, smooth, tan-coloured head

    Bitter chocolate, roast coffee, smokey flavours, moderated by spicy dark fruits

    Dark roast malt flavours with hints of chocolate, coffee and toast; a big, rich, sweet, round mouthfeel balanced by a lasting hop bitterness

    Key Ingredients
    Roast barley, chocolate malt and wheat give this beer its smooth, full-bodied roasted character; Goldings hops combine with the malt flavours to deliver the lasting almost smokey bitterness.

    De la misma destilería, Skull Splitter

    viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

    eBook: The Children of Odin

    The Children of Odin: The Book of Northern Myths 

    Padraic Colum (Autor), Willy Pogany (Ilustrador)

    "Padraic Colum (8 December 1881 - 11 January 1972) was an Irish poet, novelist, dramatist, biographer and collector of folklore. He was one of the leading figures of the Celtic Revival.

    Colum was born Padraic Columb in a County Longford workhouse, where his father worked. He was the first of eight children. When the father lost his job in 1889, he moved to the United States to participate in the Colorado gold rush. Padraic and his mother and siblings remained in Ireland. When the father returned in 1892, the family moved to Glasthule, outside Dublin where his father was employed as Assistant Manager at Sandycove and Glasthule railway station. His son attended the local national school.

    When Colum's mother died in 1897, the family were temporarily split up. Padraic and one brother remained in Dublin while the father and remaining children moved back to Longford. Colum finished school the following year and at the age of seventeen, he passed an exam for and was awarded a clerkship in the Irish Railway Clearing House. He stayed in this job until 1903.

    During this period, Colum started to write and met a number of the leading Irish writers of the time, including W. B. Yeats, Lady Gregory and AE. He also joined the Gaelic League and was a member of the first board of the Abbey Theatre. It was at this time that he dropped the 'b' from his surname. He became a regular user of the National Library of Ireland. Here he met James Joyce and the two became lifelong friends.

    He was awarded a five year scholarship to University College Dublin by a wealthy American benefactor Thomas Kelly." (Quote from

    This is Padraic Colum's retelling of the Eddas and the Volsung Saga for young adults.

    Heimdall and Little Hnossa, by Willy Pogany [1920]

    Read online:

    Part I. The Dwellers in Asgard

    1. Far Away and Long Ago
    2. The Building of the Wall
    3. Iduna and Her Apples: How Loki Put the Gods in Danger
    4. Sif's Golden Hair: How Loki Wrought Mischief in Asgard
    5. How Brock Brought Judgment on Loki
    6. How Freya Gained Her Necklace and How Her Loved One was Lost to Her
    7. How Frey Won Gerda, the Giant Maiden, and How He Lost His Magic Sword
    8. Heimdall and Little Hnossa: How All Things Came to Be
    9. The All-Father's Forebodings: How He Leaves Asgard

    Part II. Odin the Wanderer

    1. Odin Goes to Mimir's Well: His Sacrifice for Wisdom
    2. Odin Faces an Evil Man
    3. Odin Wins for Men the Magic Mead
    4. Odin Tells to Vidar, His Silent Son, the Secret of His Doings
    5. Thor and Loki in the Giants' City
    6. How Thor and Loki Befooled Thrym the Giant
    7. Aegir's Feast: How Thor Triumphed
    8. The Dwarfs Hoard, and the Curse that it Brought

    Part III: The Witch's Heart

    1. Foreboding in Asgard
    2. Loki the Betrayer
    3. Loki Against the Aesir
    4. The Valkyrie
    5. The Children of Loki
    6. Baldur's Doom
    7. Loki's Punishment

    Part IV. The Sword of the Volsungs and the Twilight of the Gods

    1. Sigurd's Youth
    2. The Sword Gram and the Dragon Fafnir
    3. The Dragon's Blood
    3. The Story of Sigmund and Signy
    4. The Story of Sigmund and Sinfiotli
    5. The Story of the Vengeance of the Volsungs and of the Death of Sinfiotli
    6. Brynhild in the House of Flame
    7. Sigurd at the House of the Nibelungs
    8. How Brynhild was Won for Gunnar
    9. The Death of Sigurd
    10. The Twilight of the Gods