miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015

Lágrimas de Freya

Gustav Klimt

– Kenningar de Freya: Hija de Njörðr, Hermana de Frey, Esposa de Óðr, Madre de Hnoss, Poseedora de los caídos en combate, de Sessrúmnir, de los gatos, y del Brisingamen; Diosa de los Vanir, Dama de los Vanir, Diosa hermosa en lágrimas, Diosa del amor.

– Kenningar de oro: Fuego de Ægir, Agujas de Glasir, Cabello de Sif, Cofia de Fulla, Lágrimas de Freya, Lluvia de Draupnfir o de los ojos de Freya.

Freya / The Sword 

A Sword of fire and an axe of cold
Vision of the sibyl has foretold
Armies gather on the battle-plain
All will fall and earth will die in flame

Here on the battle-plain
We will die in flame

In Falcon's feathers soaring overhead
Choosing warriors among the dead
Twilight written in the runes of crones
Freya weeps upon her golden throne

Upon her golden throne
We wait for her alone
Call us unto your hall
Take us into your thrall

The battle rages, bit they fight in vain
When all is done it must begin again