martes, 14 de junio de 2022

Conferencia: La religión nórdica precristiana


En la tercera sesión del ciclo El mundo vikingo, el profesor del Departamento de Filología Moderna de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Teodoro Manrique Antón, analiza los actores sobrenaturales y los componentes mágicos y rituales y la amplia variación geográfica y social de la religión nórdica precristiana. 
A partir de evidencias arqueológicas y de fuentes escritas latinas, árabes y vernáculas, son examinados varios temas como los sacrificios, el papel de la mujer, el más allá y el sincretismo y la influencia de otras religiones. Para el análisis de las fuentes escritas en lenguas vernáculas, el conferenciante se sirve de la lectura de runas, poesía escáldica, poesía y prosa éddicas, sagas y leyes. 

Conferencia impartida el 22 de marzo de 2022 
Fundación Juan March, Madrid

Conferencia de Irene García Losquiño

Grupo Territorio Vikingo de Telegram


miércoles, 8 de junio de 2022

The Wyrding Way ÓðinnSong

The Wyrding Way
Ritual / Shamanic Folk from Vancouver / Canada 

 ÓðinnSong - Rúnatal Óðins Rune Song 

 The Wyrding Way 

Vocals by Hjeron O'Sidhe & Arctica
Piano by Arctica 

Lyrics from the Havamal

    Gáttir allar
áðr gangi fram
um skoðask skyli
um skygnask skyli
því at óvíst
er at vita
hvar óvinir
sitja á fleti fyrir

Before one would advance
through each doorway,
one must look about
and peer around,
because one can't know for sure
where enemies
sit in the hall beforehand.

From the Rúnatal

know that I hung on a windswept tree
nine long nights,
my own spear wounded me, dedicated to Óðinn,
myself to myself,
dedicated to Óðinn,
myself unto myself,

On that tree which none can know the source
From whence its ancient root have run.

None gave me bread, none brought me horn.
as I looked deep below
I caught up the runes,
shrieking I took them, And back I fell.

Nine mighty songs I learned from the great
son of a great one

I have drank of that wonderous mead, showered with the secrets and the lore

Thus I learned the secret lore,
prospered and waxed in wisdom;
Each word led me on to another word,
Each deed led me to another deed.

I caught up the runes,
hung from that windswept tree
that was me


Cinematography by Andrew Grant & Hjeron O'Sidhe 
Editing by Hjeron O'Sidhe